Advanced Methods for Promoting Your Content Advanced Methods for Promoting Your Content

5 Advanced Methods for Promoting Your Content

Every blogger is striving to make their web-pages recognized by a wide target audience, attended by lots of target users and appreciated by most people in their community. All of them want to build a strong reputation and gain authority among people considered to be influencers in a certain niche.

Of course, it’s not that easy to promote a blog, overcome the competition and win the hearts of target readers, but there are some effective ways to start reaching this goal. In this post we’ll discuss some ways to promote your content and make your first step to developing your blog’s popularity. So let’s start!

1. Work With Your Sources

Every time you create another piece of content, you probably use some sources for this. For instance, you quote someone’s statement, mention someone’s article, or you mention a certain author in your post, etc. The great thing here is to contact the author of the article you quote and ask them to share your content or link to your content if they like it.

Here at WPDaddy, we had the similar practice: we made the interviews with popular influencers in our niche and, if the person liked the post, we asked them to share it in their social media. Though, even if they don’t share this post, it’s always a cool thing to make such interviews, and these are the main reasons for this:

  • you get the chance to speak with an influencer and get precious advice;
  • you get ultimate experience in communication with the influencers;
  • you will publish unique content;
  • you can make cool connections.

Not every person you’ve mentioned in your post, will agree to share your content, you should try nevertheless. The more people will be informed about your blog and your enthusiasm, the better this will play into the hands.

2. LinkedIn Connections

As you know, LinkedIn is a business and employment oriented social networking service which allows to get useful connections. You can also use this service for your content promotion. Here you can send direct messages by email and ask people from the list of your connections read and share your content if they like it.

If you are a second degree connection, you can easier get the emails of influencers in your niche and have a connection with them as well.

3. Create Snippets to Share on Social Media

Every piece of content you create can be shared in a number of snippets you can make for social media. The snippets can be made from different variations of the title, short quotes or statements from the post, statistics and figures from the post, etc.

If you’ve made up your mind to promote a certain post, you can share a definite piece of content over a huge amount of social media networks until it works for your goal.

If we speak about Twitter – a popular news and social networking service, it allows to share the content through other special services developed for this purpose. For instance, you can use Buffer – a great service for automatic sharing content snippets on Twitter. It allows to shorten URLs, schedule posts to share them later, monitor the analytics, etc.

4. Ask for a Point of View

If you’ve already got some useful connections with influencers, now you can get in touch with them and ask to share their opinion about your certain piece of content. They can be interested in providing this point of view if:

  1. You’ve used their quotes or shared their expert commentary in your post.
  2. You’ve published their quotes with a link to their website or social media account.
  3. You offer cross-promotion.
  4. Or your post is just of a great current interest for them.

This principle will help your content become more reputable because you associate your own opinion with the one of an influencer in your niche. This is a great step to becoming more popular as a blogger.

Of course you should reach out to as many influencers as possible. Although a few of them are going to agree for your offer.

5. Submit Content to The Themed Websites

Some websites allow to submit posts and articles either for free or on a paid for basis. If your content is unique and exciting, it is sure to attract the attention of your target audience. Such websites as EzineArticles, SearchWarp, eHow, ArticlesBase, HubPages, and more, are going to be cool to start from.

Pay attention at the traffic rank of a website you choose. The better traffic a website has the more chances you get for your content to be noticed and discussed.


These are just a few things you can do to make your content more visible for your target readers. You can offer your own ways of making your content shareable and your blog more popular. We’ll be happy to discuss.