Instant Freebie Download Mysterious Icons for Friday th and Your Other Spooky Designs Instant Freebie Download Mysterious Icons for Friday th and Your Other Spooky Designs

Instant Freebie Download: Mysterious Icons for Friday 13th and Your Other “Spooky” Designs

Are you superstitious? If yes, then today you probably put off all of your important stuff for a few days later, and if no, then Friday the 13th is a usual working day for you, just as many others.

The Story of Friday 13

The superstition around this day may have Biblical origins. Some experts claim that Friday the 13th was the day on which Eve bit the apple from the Tree of Knowledge, the great flood began and the builders of the Tower of Babel were punished. In the New Testament, there were 13 people present for Jesus’s last supper on Maundy Thursday, and this was the day before Christ’s crucifixion on Good Friday.

Friday 13th is the date when the Pope of the Roman Catholic church, together with the King of France, sentenced a monastic military order (known as the Knights Templar) to death and ordered the torture and crucifixion of their leader.

This Friday has been being Hangman’s Day (the day of execution of criminals) for many years. And Scandinavians believe that 13 signifies bad luck because their 13th mythological demigod Loki was an evil one who brought great misfortune upon humans. Lots of horror movies were directed by people inspired by Friday 13th and people like the mysterious ambiance of this day.

Our Freebie

Although Friday the 13th is considered to be an unlucky day of the year, we are ready to change the rules today and make this day a very lucky one for our readers. We are happy to present a custom-made icon set crafted of separate icons which were designed by different authors. You can feel free to use these icons for your Halloween designs if required.

Most of the icons are made by Daniele de Santis, but you will also find the icons by Norbert Kucsera, Everaldo Coelho, Tango, Vectto, and Goodware std. Please check the readme file attached to this icons pack.

The icons available in this freebie pack come in SVG, PNG, ICO, and ICNS formats (128×128 file size). The name of each icon includes the name of the license under which this item is distributed.

So Jason Killer, Spider Web, Witches Broom, Bat Horror, Witches Pot, Witches Hat, Ghost Spooky, and Candle icons are available under the Creative Commons (Attribution 3.0 Unported) license. Jason Mask icon comes under the Creative Commons (Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported) license. Moon Clouds icon goes under the Attribution-Non-Commercial 3.0 Netherlands license. Ghost Portrait is free for commercial use, and Skull and Black Cat are free for personal use.

So don’t hesitate, to download your free mysterious icon set now and be creative as always!

Friday-13-Icons Free Download!