Interview Veerle Pieters a Talented Web Designer and a Chief at Duoh Interview Veerle Pieters a Talented Web Designer and a Chief at Duoh

Interview: Veerle Pieters – a Talented Web-Designer and a Chief at Duoh!

Keep it up and try to keep it fun personally…

We are proud to share the first exclusive interview on our blog, and this is the one with Veerle Pieters. She is known as a web and print designer based in Belgium, and she successfully runs her prosperous studio, Duoh! along with Geert Leyseele. With the experience in graphic design and print she got involved in web design and has become one of the most reputable designers in the industry. A popular design blog of Veerle Pieters is a project we personally wish to take a pattern by.

So let’s have a chat with this skilled and creative designer right away.

1. Will you please say a few words about yourself and your key fields of expertise?

Hi I’m Veerle Pieters, design is my work, my play, my worldview. I’m driven to share what I know about Illustrator or Photoshop, and my design process for client work. My key fields of expertise are graphic/web design.

2. What is your main criterion of choosing a client to collaborate with?

The top 2 criteria to choose a client are:
1) Is the project creatively challenging. We don’t accept HTML/CSS only
projects, there’s always a design component too.
2) Does it click with the client. As you will spend quite some time together is better to be on the same page.

3. Will you please mention the most exciting projects you had to work on? And the most peculiar ones?

I’m currently working on a outdoor furniture web site that I’m quite proud of but it isn’t online yet. Two other pretty challenging projects that we did recently are the Pepo application for Apple and Android. It’s an app that connects you with people who share your passions.

The second one is Pepo Campaigns. It’s an advanced email marketing tool. We created everything from scratch design wise for both applications in collaboration with the inside UX team.

4. I know you started from tutorials and then you’ve launched an amazing blog with Geert. So is there a small secret of success?

There isn’t a secret formula 🙂 It’s just a matter of keep it going and have a lot of patience. It took me many years to get where I am now. If you expect things to go quickly you’ll be disappointed. It can be hard to keep it going if you invest so much time for only a small group of visitors.

5. Do you think it would be possible for a blogger to make a trustworthy and popular website without the help of experienced folks?

If you find a niche that you are good at and your content is valuable the answer is yes.

6. Is there any advice you could give to a newbie in blogging?

I already kinda touched on this earlier but the biggest tip is have patience. Keep it up and try to keep it fun personally. Doubt will creep up but if you do what you love you’ll overcome this.

We are thankful to Veerle for giving us time and for such honest conversation.