The Role of Storytelling When Building Your Brand The Role of Storytelling When Building Your Brand

The Role of Storytelling When Building Your Brand

Every creative person who starts to earn money with the help of their creation, wants to establish their name and build their own brand. Building a brand is in every step you make when promoting your name in social media, creating your web presence, attracting your followers and subscribers, and more.

Let’s analyze the formula of building a brand and discuss the tools that help to succeed in fulfilling this task.

How people become recognized when building their brands?

If you are a freelancer, photographer, artist, business owner or even a society figure, your brand creation looks as follows:

  1. You’ve got an idea to develop or you’ve got the works you want to showcase and share.
  2. You find the sources for sharing your idea, worldview, project, startup or creation (share your ideas through a website, social media account or a public page, etc.).
  3. You engage the like-minded fellows who follow you, subscribe to your updates, share your ideas, and tell their friends about you.
  4. As a result, you create your personal brand (establish your name among your target audience and within your community).
  5. Your brand starts to work for your profit and reputation.

All of this is clear, now you know the formula of how the brand-building usually happens. However, the key question which appears here is how to make your brand-building process successful?

Are there any tools and methods which can catalyze the process of establishing your brand and make it more efficient? What steps you should perform to make your brand more recognizable, memorable and engaging one?

The answer is simple: you should just use:

  • communication;
  • emotions;
  • personalized approach.

All of the mentioned above aims are possible to reach with the help of storytelling. So..

What is storytelling and how it helps in building a brand?

Every story consists of words; words are a powerful weapon when you fight for winning the hearts of your followers and transforming them into devotees. Telling the story means conveying emotions and bringing your life closer to people who support you.

So when you start to create your story you should answer the following 2 questions:

1. What is the main purpose of your brand?
2. Which is the main trait differing your brand from others?

The main principle of creating a successful brand is a customer-first approach. The interests of your followers and clients should be a priority, and this idea should be clear and obvious.

Focus on your devotee and not on selling your product or promoting your brand. This should be your major aim.

Determine the motives that make you to do what you are doing. What are the reasons for you to create and develop your brand and why are you trying to make it unique, recognizable and popular? If you are able to answer those questions, you will understand what the difference between you and other brands in your niche is.

When starting to tell your story, share your aims, show uniqueness and convey emotions – this is the key to success.


If you’re about to create your brand and promote it to make recognizable and popular, hope this small review is going to help you make it more successfully. Good luck!