Ways to Learn Web Design Basics and Start to Earn Ways to Learn Web Design Basics and Start to Earn

5 Ways to Learn Web-Design Basics and Start to Earn

Lots of people across the globe are striving to learn web design and build websites for themselves and their customers. Web design education is a powerful niche represented by companies offering web development and design courses, video guides, brochures, practical lessons, and much more material helpful for everyone who wants to become a professional in this particular field.

It’s a well-known fact that people differ in learning styles. Someone likes visual methods, others better perceive written text and theory, and someone needs a lot of practice to get the knowledge they need.

We will try to define the 5 most effective methods to learn web design and earn, so you can choose the right one for your personal requirements.

1. Design School

Of course this is one of the easiest and the most comprehensive ways to get the necessary skills and collect achievements to highlight in your resume. Let’s define the advantages of studying in design school:

  • You will combine all learning methods and this will be effective.
  • Some design schools offer employment for their students in a definite location.
  • You will work with qualified teachers and tutors.
  • You will get a diploma and a certain degree in your field.

The disadvantages of this learning method are as follows:

  • It can be pretty expensive.
  • If you work part time or full time, you may have a lack of time to attend classes in design school or pass exams.

However, many schools offer distant (online) education variants with the possibility to get a degree after you graduate.

2. Reading Instructions and Tutorials

If you prefer to be a self-taught designer or developer, this is also a good choice to start with. Many self-learners that started to expose their works on Behance were later invited to Dribbble and other similar websites for experts that want to find a customer. Most of them are really on-demand today and they work on projects for globally recognized companies. You can check out our Interviews section to find out some of the most exciting self-development facts from the bio of well-known designers.

Reading is the method for those who perceive a written text better than a video guide or a tutor’s explanation. This method can include browsing blogs in Google, downloading design books from authoritative authors, reading online step-by-step tutorials and instructions and practicing everything by your own.

3. Watching Video Guides

If you tend to use a visual learning method, then the video guides are for you. The effectiveness of video guides is proven by millions of people who would better prefer watching an educational video than reading a book to learn something. Videos are often fun, they allow to get knowledge in exciting ways which mostly aren’t boring.

A set of educational videos looks like a learning course which can be either free or premium. To create a quality video, one should have cool equipment, functional software, good teaching skills and enough time. Considering all of these efforts, experts often create their quality step-by-step video guides on a paid for basis. Really worthy video products that will be helpful for you to become a more qualified expert than just a theorist, are easy to buy online, just look for authoritative resources.

4. Writing

Some folks like to learn and share their knowledge with others. A blog is a good thing for such learners. The main rules for this method are:

  • Write only about what you practice.
  • Make the research before you create a post.
  • Keep improving.
  • Encourage users to discuss what you write about.
  • Focus on key details.

This method is also a profitable one. If you start to write your blog to get new skills and learn web design, you can make it a favorite educational website for lots of target users that will bring you good traffic. There are lots of methods to earn from your blog if it is popular and well-promoted. We will talk on them in detail in one of our next posts.

Writing is also a good way to earn if you work as a freelancer, you sell your tutorials, or create guest posts for other bloggers.

5. Use Interactive Methods

If you decide to take any online course, it will probably suppose using software for checking your knowledge. The software will get you to take quizzes to assess your knowledge after learning every new part of a course.

You answer a set of questions choosing the right variant from a few available answers, and then you get a grade (or a number of points) which will be the indicator of your progress. You can’t continue learning the next chapter until you don’t pass a test to get a higher grade for the current one.

Today you can find a great amount of applications that guide you through the entire process of learning, and every new step is like a new level in an online game, your work is checked and assessed at every step. This method is also a kind of fun and brings interactivity into your learning. If you consider that reading or writing is boring for you, then using an interactive method is your best variant.


The finest way to learn web design is of course to combine all education methods that is to read, watch videos and practice what you’ve learned. You can select either free methods or pay for your education, it is up to you. Just choose what suits you the best and go ahead!