Script Auto Installers for Quick WordPress Installation Script Auto Installers for Quick WordPress Installation

Best Script Auto Installers for Quick WordPress Installation

WordPress is known as a platform which is extremely simple to install and intuitive to manage. Even if you need to install WordPress manually, it is a very simple process, though it is a pretty time-consuming one. If you need to set up a lot of websites for your clients on a regular basis, it would be tough to go through the whole installation process every next time you need to set up a new site.

Many modern hosts offer one-click WordPress installation together with some popular plugins or themes, but this service is not always available. Some experienced developers are already used to apply their own self-developed scripts for quick WordPress installation, but the less technically minded website owners and bloggers won’t be probably able to do the same.

Fortunately, there are some cool script auto-installers available to speed up the creation of custom websites and automate the WordPress installation.

When it comes to some auto-installers, all you’ll mostly have to do is to download the ready script and upload it using FTP to your web host. Right after installation you’ll be able to run the script in your browser using the URL with the directory containing the uploaded script, and then you just enter your database connection details, WordPress setup information as well as select the desired theme and plugins. When the details are saved, your WordPress is installed.

So let’s review some of the most interesting script auto-installers you can use for your quick WordPress installation.

WP Quick Install

A script which automatically downloads and installs WordPress in several seconds. You’ll be also able to automatically remove the default content created by WordPress including pages, posts, comments or themes as well as change the wp-config.php file. This script always installs the latest WordPress version.


A one-click installer developed for the process of initialization and configuration of WordPress from the very beginning to the end. You’ll be able to complete such complex tasks as staging, cloning, syncing, updating and migration just with one click – all in one dashboard.

WP Auto Installer Script PHP

This is a great WordPress auto-installer available on Github. Download it in zip format and upload to your host to run it in your browser and insert your WP installation details to start working with WordPress easily and quickly.

WP Shell Install

Another auto-installer script developed to install the latest WordPress version. It works as well as the other ones – easily and quickly!

WP-CLI Auto Install Script

This is also a cool script which can ease your life when installing WordPress. Upload it to your host and run WordPress installation quickly and without any efforts.

WordPress Auto Setup for Ubuntu

An auto setup script for Linux Ubuntu. See the details, download the zip file and install your WordPress with simplicity.

Hope this review was helpful. Stay tuned!