How to Add Edit Delete and Arrange Categories in WordPress How to Add Edit Delete and Arrange Categories in WordPress

How to Add, Edit, Delete and Arrange Categories in WordPress

If you run a blog on WordPress, you probably use categories to indicate sections and group the related posts. It is a good way to sort and organize the posts and make them easy to find. Categories create simple navigation and quick search opportunity, so every user can easily find any post in a definite chosen category.

In this post we’ll show you how to add a new category for posts, how to edit the category, delete it if necessary and arrange the existing categories to change their order up to your needs. So let’s start!

First, go to Posts -> Categories section to open a Categories page.

Add New category by inserting its unique name, then choose a slug (this will be specified in the tags URL), and add a small description of your category to inform your target users what your posts here are about. You can also select a Parent Category to create your new one as a sub-category or leave it None to create it as a separate category.

After all information is inserted, click the Add New Category button and it will be created. You will see it in the categories list.

If you’d like to edit the category, just click the Edit button under its name.

You will see the Edit Category page open. Here you can change the name, slug and description of your category and then click the Update button to save the changes.

You can also easily edit your category with the Quick Edit button. This will help you change its name and slug.

If you’d like to delete the category, just click the red Delete button under the category’s name in the list.

You can also easily arrange categories to change their order in the list. This is possible with the help of Category Order and Taxonomy Terms Order free plugin available for WordPress. Please see the details on plugin installation here.

After the plugin is activated, you will see the Taxonomy Order menu in the Posts section.

Here you will see the categories list in the movable blocks, so you can drag and drop these blocks to arrange the categories in any order you prefer.

As you see, adding, editing, deleting and arranging categories in WordPress is a very quick and easy process.