WordPress WordPress

WordPress 4.9 Release Candidate 2 – What to Expect in the New Update

A new 4.9 Update of WordPress is slated for November 14, 2017, and now you can install and test WordPress 4.9 Release Candidate 2 available since November 7. We’ve also resolved to test this new version of WP to find out what to expect in the new update, estimate the changes and share this review with our readers.

So what advantages you receive with the new WordPress Update?

1. Switch the Themes in Customizer

A New WP 4.9 RC 2 includes a great feature which allows to change the active theme right from the Customizer.

Twenty Fifteen is installed here by default, so you just click the change button and you can either choose any theme from the installed ones and start to customize it, or you can install and preview any theme from WordPress.org. This is very easy and intuitive.

2. Draft and Schedule Changes in Customizer

Now you are able to save all of your changes made in Customizer as a draft, so they won’t be instantly published and won’t be visible live on your website.

By the way, you can schedule your changes for a definite date and time and they will be automatically published later.

3. A New Gallery Widget

The update now includes a new gallery widget which will allow to create a native gallery and display it in the sidebar (or any widget area). So go to Appearance -> Widgets, choose gallery from the Available Widgets list,

Title the Gallery, Add Images to your widget from the media library and save your gallery to publish it on your website.

You will observe it in the sidebar.

Of course you can edit the gallery or delete it.

4. Media Embedding in the Text Widget

Since now you require no HTML to add media into the text widget. Currently it includes an Add Media button on the top of the text area, so you can easily add photos, audio or videos from the library with a few clicks.

5. Menu Name and Menu Location Prompts

When you use Create New Menu functionality in Customizer and you forget to specify a menu location or name it, you will be prompted to do it. You will also get prompts to add new pages to your menu, or you will be able to change the menu location if required.

Once you create at least one menu, it will be displayed in the Menus section together with Menu Locations.

6. Improved Code Editing Experience

Better code editing options are now available in the theme, plugin and CSS editor. You can add custom CSS in the Customizer and the new options will highlight the syntax errors that should be corrected before publishing.

7. Global Notification Area

The Global Notification Area will now include the messages prompting what you are doing right now (you are customizing, you are browsing, etc.). These prompts will help you feel more confident while customizing a website.

We consider all of the new changes pretty convenient and worthy, and we guess this is sure to improve the customizing experience and the simplicity of using WordPress for building a website.

Update November 16, 2017

A New WordPress 4.9 Tipton Version is Now Available! Please download it here.