Top  Donation Crowdfunding and Fundraising WordPress Plugins You Should Try Top  Donation Crowdfunding and Fundraising WordPress Plugins You Should Try

Top 10 Donation, Crowdfunding and Fundraising WordPress Plugins You Should Try

The following collection of donation plugins includes the solutions compatible with WordPress and supporting PayPal, Stripe, and more payment gateways as well as WooCommerce shop functionality. You will find the plugins that allow you to place a donation button on a website, encourage customers to make donations while shopping on your WooCommerce-based website, etc. Browse and pick your one!

SPay Donate – Solana network donate plugin for WordPress

SolPay Donate - Solana network donate plugin for WordPress

A cryptocurrency fundraising plugin that works with DApp (Decentralized Application) logic and receives payments directly from crypto wallets. The only commission here is the “gas” fee that the Solana network charges.


  • no commissions except for gas charges;
  • receiving payments directly from crypto wallets;
  • no 3rd party service;
  • no withdrawal limit, fee, or date.

TronPay Donate – Tron network donate plugin for WordPress

TronPay Donate - Tron network donate plugin for WordPress

Use this plugin to collect donations via cryptocurrencies on your website as well as follow your donations. You will receive payments in TRX, the native currency of the Tron network, or with TRC20 tokens under the Tron network.


  • no withdrawal limit, fee, date;
  • 1-2 business days and no weekend nonsense;
  • The money is in your account and in use on the same day.

Donation plugin for WooCommerce

Donation plugin for WooCommerce

Use this plugin to create fundraising campaign products to collect donation payments within WooCommerce. You can create an open or fixed product donation campaign to allow users easy donations with a few clicks.


  • create an unlimited donations product for WooCommerce;
  • option to create fixed or open price donation product;
  • option to set minimum donation price for a specific product;
  • option to set maximum donation price for specific donation products.

Donation for WooCommerce – Donation Plugin

Donation for WooCommerce - Donation Plugin

This plugin is an easy way to get donations via WooCommerce products, WooCommerce donations facilitate owners of the firms, NGOs to accept donations of varying amounts through your WooCommerce shop. It adds a Donation product type which allows the creation of two types of Donation products.


  • open pricing donations;
  • fixed amount donations;
  • emoji support;
  • customized labels;

and more.

PayPal Donation plugin for Contact Form 7

PayPal Donation plugin for Contact Form 7

This plugin allows accepting charity payments and donations through Contact Form 7 plugin for WordPress. It allows the use of multiple PayPal accounts and it stores all donations locally.


  • dynamic values;
  • sorting donations based on months;
  • multiple languages;

and more.

EDD Donation & Tip

This plugin is helpful for configuring your EDD store to start accepting donations/tips from your customers. As an admin, you can write a custom message for the donors, allow users to select from preset donation amounts, and add an optional message. Customers can donate any amount they want.


  • display donation form on EDD Checkout page;
  • configure the donation form with custom options;
  • translate into any language;
  • preset donation amounts configuration;
  • allow users to add custom donation messages on checkout

and more.

PayPal Button – WordPress PayPal Plugin

This solution allows for receiving donations from anywhere in the world. The plugin makes it possible either to set a fixed donation amount or allow people to decide which amount of money they are ready to give. The plugin supports localization functionality and all currencies.


  • elements of a notable style;
  • fully compatible with WordPress;
  • WPBakery page builder support;

and more.

WP Attractive Donations System – Easy Stripe & Paypal Donations

This solution is made to help you create cool donation panels with no specific effort. Every donation is able to have its own texts, colors, amount steps, etc. The donation panel is possible to be displayed on a page, as a button or as a modal window, or be shown on click.


  • attractive donation panel;
  • easy customization;
  • shortcodes and WPBakery page builder integration;

and more.

Viavi Stripe Donation for WordPress

This WordPress donation plugin allows making donations via Stripe without refreshing the page. It uses Ajax technology to allow Stripe checkout to overlay the page and keep your users engaged while making donations.


  • easy and fast Stripe setup;
  • dynamic pricing;
  • custom layouts and buttons;

and more.

SUMO WooCommerce Donations

This is a complete WooCommerce donation system that supports recurring donations and allows to make donations on a single product page, cart page, checkout page, and more online store pages.


  • force donations functionality (make a donation and then complete the purchase);
  • any WooCommerce theme supported;
  • WPML compliance;

and more.

More coolest plugins are coming soon!