Expecting WordPress Expecting WordPress

Expecting WordPress 5.0: What We Will Get in a Gutenberg-Friendly Update

In a couple of days we expect the new WordPress 5.0 Major Update to “go out”. On November 16, Beta 5 WordPress version was announced at its official blog. You can download and test a Beta 5 before the major release.

WordPress 5.0 – The Most Significant Update Comparing to Previous Ones

If the previous releases supposed small improvements and changes here and there, then a new major update of WordPress is fully focused on significant adjusting like Gutenberg visual editor integration and Twenty Nineteen WordPress theme – a default template which is going to be automatically activated after the WP installation.

Both Gutenberg visual editor and Twenty Nineteen WP theme will come by default in the new WordPress version. But if the new theme is quite a familiar change for WordPress users, Gutenberg is something which causes excitement in minds of website owners and content managers that have been working with a classic visual editor for years and never used anything else for creating their posts and pages.

What are possible changes that people suppose to happen with Gutenberg arrival?

1. It will be easy to build custom WordPress templates without coding

If earlier some basic coding knowledge was required to create a WP theme, now it will be possible to make it with the help of Gutenberg blocks.

Lots of premium WordPress theme developers are already creating lots of additional custom blocks for Gutenberg and build new themes based on these blocks.

For instance, there is Gutenote Blog WordPress theme recently released by GT3 Themes. This template is fully based on Gutenberg visual editor and allows to run a blog with pleasure.

2. Common page builders are going to temporally lose their popularity

We all know such commonly used page builders as Elementor and WPBakery ones. However, when Gutenberg captures the place of default visual editor for WordPress, the popularity of other page builders among WordPress website owners is going to decrease for a while.

On the other side, both Elementor and WPBakery page builders have their own fans, so they are sure going to stay in demand for definite target audience.

We’ve been speaking of Gutenberg visual editor a lot, so please see some of the recent posts on this content builder to learn its peculiarities and functionality.

Let’s expect for a new WordPress update together!

Update from November 27, 2018:

WordPress 5.0 Release Candidate became available for testing on November 23. The Major Release date was shifted to give everyone more time to test a new WordPress version. Please read more at the official WordPress blog.

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