Web Design Trends for  Current Predictions Web Design Trends for  Current Predictions

Web Design Trends for 2019 – Current Predictions

When a year is almost over, design experts always share their predictions as for possible design trends for the next 12 months. The expiring 2018 brought us plenty of designs featuring irregular grids, vibrant illustrations, bright colors and bold fonts, maximalism and smooth animations. This year, the tendencies in web-design have been shifted and improved.

So, let’s see what new trends in web design are coming and let’s start following them during the next year – 2019.

1. Glitch Art

This trend is going to make us go back to the past and remember times when slow dial-up connection resulted in distorted picture or double exposure. Computers are really significant for all of us to live, work and create in 2019, so this trend is going to depict something we all are somehow afraid of: glitches that associate with breakdown of computers and overall technology.

2. Focus on Serif

Serif fonts are mostly used in print design but in 2019 this typeface is going to be observed in typography focused web-pages. Big bold serifs have been often visualized in modern websites’ headers during the current year, so the next year will make this trend even more ubiquitous.

3. Natural Shapes

Lots of modern WordPress themes come with naturally shaped elements and objects as well as smooth frames. Natural and organic shapes are always asymmetrical, so they look like the curves we see in nature, for instance, bushes, flowers, trees, mountains, hills, etc.

Organic shapes create the illusion of motion and irregularity which is often observed in nature and looks perfect thanks to its imperfection and uniqueness. This imperfection is clear and understandable for any human.

4. Black-and-White

Every visual appeal is mostly created by color, but sometimes black-and-white palette and monochromatic designs can be even more impressive. Dark skins as well as two-colored designs where only dark and light tones are applied, always looks stylish and beautiful.

When color is missing we can see the essence of things not being distracted by color and textures. We can notice something important which is hidden under the surface.

5. More Videos

Video backgrounds and videos as the main piece of content are going to be often observed on most websites in 2019. Fullscreen videos are going to replace hero images more and more.

Videos are informative and can bring a user great amount of information within a few minutes without the necessity to read huge piles of texts. Messaging a user through videos – this is the future standard of communication.

Final Thoughts:

Many trends from the current passing year are also going to be taken into consideration when creating another modern design in 2019. For instance, minimalism, micro-interactions, mobile-focused navigation and responsive design are going to stay on demand.