How to Build Your Mailing List With the Help of Social Media How to Build Your Mailing List With the Help of Social Media

How to Build Your Mailing List With the Help of Social Media

Many new business owners are interested in the most effective ways to promote their product and get more loyal customers. Social media and email marketing are considered to be efficient methods that show good return in every dollar spent. Social media can be used to collect emails and boost the amount of email subscribers. This means you get a list of target users to run your email marketing campaign.

Why email marketing is a more long-lasting method for your business than just a simple promotion through social media? When you prefer email marketing, you own your email list and you won’t lose your users. In case with using just social media for your promotional needs, you run into risk that your account will be blocked or deleted for any reason, or your updates will be seen by little amount of followers. For instance, if you publish a tweet, it is seen just for a moment before it is pushed down by other tweets.

So how should you use popular social media services to collect emails for creating your mailing list and launching an email marketing campaign? Let’s see:

1. Create a Sign Up Button on Your Facebook Page

Have you created a Facebook page for you company? If not, you can do it right now. Go to Your Pages and choose Create Page in the drop-down menu. Select a page type, a category and a company name to get started and edit your page. You’ll be able to change a cover image, upload the main picture, add your name and field of activity, publish posts, upload photos and invite friends to like your page to boost engagement.

A good thing about creating a Facebook page for your company is that you can use it for collecting email addresses and gaining a list of subscribers. Create a call to action button on your business page by clicking Add a Button and selecting Get in Touch Menu.

After that you’ll just have to choose a Sign Up menu and add a link to your website where you expect your visitors to sign up.

When your Facebook followers, friends or fans enter your page they will see the Sign Up CTA button and they will visit your website with the intention to sign up for your emails.

2. Use Video-Sharing Websites like YouTube

Many business owners use video sharing websites for their marketing and promotional needs. YouTube and Vimeo are the most known websites that collect a lot of visitors and followers each day. As we know, Vimeo policy doesn’t allow to upload videos with commercial intent as per their terms of service, so most people usually use YouTube if they want to promote their product.

Earlier YouTube allowed adding and editing annotations to every video, so channel owners could add clickable hyperlinks right into their videos, but since the 2nd of May this ability was ended. However, today, you are allowed to add cards for your videos and encourage people to subscribe to your mailing list.

Go to Video Manager

Choose the video you’d like to edit and select Cards in the drop-down menu.

Click the Add Card button and choose Link from the drop-down menu there.

After that you can insert link to your website. Before you do this, choose a Link to Your Associated Website option and add your website to the correspondent list. 

After it is approved as your associated one, your link will be available for inserting as a card.

So you’ll be able to collect subscribers right from your YouTube channel.

3. Run an Ad-Campaign on Twitter

It’s possible to generate more leads with the help of Twitter Ad-Campaign. This is another social media which is widely used for promotion.

This service allows to run lead generation campaigns directly in the tweet stream of a user. This means that users can subscribe to your mailing list right from their Twitter account. By the way Twitter Ads help to drive traffic to your website.

4. Use Pinterest Boards

Pinterest is another popular and powerful social media platform that will help you gain a greater amount of subscribers. You can create your boards and pins as well as engage users with different encouragements like video and audio content, discounts, freebies and more rewards available for them after subscription.

Your Pinterest followers will be motivated to subscribe as soon as possible to get their freebie or discount right after they leave their email.

Final Thoughts:

Of course there are lots of other effective methods of enlarging the subscribers list but we’ve mentioned the easiest ones, most of which are free. If you’ve got something to note or you have a more impactful and brilliant idea concerning the methods of boosting subscribers list, feel free to leave your comments below.