Top Habits to Increase Designers Productivity Top Habits to Increase Designers Productivity

Top Habits to Increase Designer’s Productivity

Productivity is one of the numerous criteria which define how competitive you are at your specific market and in your niche. If you are able to provide your customers with a quality product or service and you make it fast, you will be “on top” and make better business results than your rivals for a very long time. So if you combine speed and quality – it’s the productivity which is the chance to keep up with the times, increase your sales and succeed even more.

If your business is connected with design, you run a design agency, digital agency, web studio or you just work as a freelancer, it’s sometimes tough to meet the needs of your customers and get every customer to be satisfied with every project you make for them. Every client wants their project to be ready as quickly as possible and of course, they need it to be a quality one. That is why we’ve collected a bunch of habits which every designer should have to increase productivity and make their business successful.

1. Use a CRM Software

Do you know what is customer relationship management system? Actually, this system allows to build long term relationships between a customer and a business owner. It allows to effectively manage everything concerning business relationships including sales, accounts, and more.

The CRM software is an application covering a few solutions that allow to automate sales, get access to business information, interact with a customer, etc.

CRM will help you organize customer and market management, automate the key business processes and improve your productivity. You get more time for more important tasks because the everyday routine is automated.

2. Learn Customer Needs

No matter what business you launch, you have to answer a few key questions: “What product will you sell?” and “Who will you sell your product to?” Knowing the personality of your target customer makes it easier to create a product which is surely going to meet their needs.

It is also easier to start an advertising campaign when you know your customers’ profession, age, interests, sex, skin color, nationality, education, and more. The more details you get, the easier it will be to create an ideal product for their needs and promote it correctly.

So right before a certain client addresses your agency to get a design, you already know what to offer and how to make them be satisfied with your work.

3. Organize Your Team

Before you start to work on design itself, you need to determine the steps required for completing a project. Every team consists of a team lead, a designer, a developer, a text writer, a SEO expert, a manager, and some other experts.

Before starting to create a design according to the client’s specifications, it’s important to arrange the roles and decide what part of the project each team member will be responsible for. When the workflow is organized and every team member knows what part of design they are responsible for, the overall productivity is sure to be improved.

4. Lay Out The Priorities

Every project consists of a few stages to complete one by one. Some of the tasks are important, others are possible to put off. Urgent and delayed tasks should be arranged as the ones of a high priority, and others – that are possible to complete later.

There are a lot of online services, apps and tools which allow to organize and track tasks for every project, we will definitely speak of them later in our blog.


By increasing your productivity you will be able to improve your customer relationships, increase sales and income. Are there any other productivity tips you’d like to discuss? Let’s do it in the comments.