WP Event Manager an Extensive Solution to Schedule Your Meetups WP Event Manager an Extensive Solution to Schedule Your Meetups

WP Event Manager – an Extensive Solution to Schedule Your Meetups

Do you run a website for promoting the upcoming events and conferences? Or probably you want to announce an important future event and place the announcement on your business or corporate website? Read this guide to find out a simple method of creating events in WordPress.

I’d love to share a small review of WP Event Manager plugin which is a great solution for creating events with several clicks and with no specific efforts.

You can download WP Event Manager from its official website or install and activate it right in your WordPress dashboard by searching the plugin in the list of the official WordPress repository.

Once the software is installed, you will be invited to launch the setup wizard and create the pages like ‘Event Dashboard’, ‘Post an Event’ and ‘Events’.

You can also skip the automatic setup and create the required pages manually just by inserting the correspondent shortcodes into any new blank pages of your website or put them into the existing pages.

Just go to Pages -> All Pages or (Pages -> Add New), choose the existing page from the list (or create a new one), insert the shortcode into the text editor and update (or publish) the page.

The functionality of the plugin allows creating an event either on the back-end or on the front-end.

The backend editor looks like a standard WordPress editor for posts, pages, WooCommerce products, etc.

Here you can add a title and description, set organizer logo, upload the event banner, and add much more information on the certain event you are promoting.

This is how your newly created event looks live.

Once the event is created, you will see it in the Event Listings -> All Events list.

You can also make an event using the front-end editor.

It will appear in the events list on the front-end,

and you will see it in the Events Dashboard.

The plugin has a Field Editor where you can find the event fields and their meta keys to add into your event pages.

Please check out the plugin’s settings to manage event listings, event submission options, and more peculiarities of its work.

Well, I recommend using WP Event Manager for promoting your scheduled events because this is an easy-to-use and convenient WordPress plugin which demands no additional knowledge to start utilizing it for your business website.