How to Launch Affiliate Program How to Launch Affiliate Program

How to Launch Affiliate Program? – A Brief Guide

If you sell any products or services online, you obviously want to earn as much as possible while developing your business. Proper product promotion allows to engage a lot of target customers and increase your sales day by day.

But how to promote your product right?

Modern marketers use a lot of advertising methods which include:

  • social media;
  • banners;
  • ad spots;
  • videos on TV;
  • email marketing.

But that’s not the full list… Affiliate marketing is another effective method recommended by marketers.

Affiliate program (also known as referral program) is one more way of promoting a product and increasing sales without hiring a team of marketers and without paying salary. You offer people an opportunity to promote and sell your product and earn a commission for each sale.

A referral program is one of the most effective types of promotion which is both profitable for a business owner and every participant who signs up for this program to start collaboration.

A business owner doesn’t pay for direct promotion but, thanks to the commission, a participant is motivated to promote this certain product to sell it as many times as possible and earn as much as they want to.

How to enable affiliate registration on your website?

If you run a website on WordPress, there is a very simple way to create affiliate registration functionality on your web page. There are lots of free and premium solutions developed by volunteers and contributors for WordPress, and affiliate marketing plugins are no exception.

We will show you how easy it is to launch an affiliate program using one of free WordPress plugins. For our purpose we install and activate Affiliates WP plugin. Let’s see what opportunities it gives:

Go to your dashboard and click the Affiliates menu in the admin panel. Here you will be able to set the filters and observe the 14 days charts.

Go to Affiliates -> Settings –> Registration and check the Allow affiliate registration option to make your first step to launching your affiliate program. Don’t forget to click the Save button to keep the changes updated.

To create an affiliate area, go to Settings -> Pages and click the Generate button to build a default affiliate area.

This will create a standard sign up form which includes a few fields to fill out with personal information of a participant. It usually includes a name, a username, an email, etc. After the affiliate area is created, you can see it live on your website.

If you go to Settings -> Integrations, you’ll be able to integrate a plugin with WooCommerce, Contact Form 7, as well as install an integration with some more solutions.

Affiliates -> User Registration menu allows to enable user registration integration by checking the correspondent option. This allows to grant commissions to affiliates when they refer new users.

If you go to Settings -> General, you can change the affiliate URL parameter name, check the option to redirect to destination without affiliate URL parameter, manage the permissions, etc.

Check out more of the plugin’s features to see what possibilities it gives to you.

As you see, it’s very easy to provide your website with affiliate registration functionality without any specific coding knowledge.

It’s very simple to set everything and make it work, but this is just the beginning of a long way to big success. If you engage a lot of people collaborating with you and brining you more customers, you will of course boost your sales and, as a result, increase your revenue.

Start from setting up an affiliate program sign up form on your website, and then fulfill your task of encouraging people to register, promote your product and work with you to get good commissions. So good luck!